
Friday, April 12, 2013

Exploring South Mountain (Scrapbook Circle Sketch)

A couple of weeks ago Audrey went to a birthday party up on South Mountain in Phoenix. It was a really cool party location, but quite a bit of a drive from our house. The rest of our family went to dinner nearby and then had extra time before the party ended, so we spent some time walking around and exploring.

We had great city views from up on the mountain, but sadly the pictures didn't capture it. We were on the lookout for snakes and luckily didn't have any cross our path!

This is the perfect time to be living in Arizona and we are soaking up all of the outdoor time we can before the months of intense heat sets in. It was great to have some extra time and get in a little mountain exploring!

Today a new sketch by Diana Fisher debuted on the Scrapbook Circle blog and I used the sketch as a starting point for my layout.

You can create a layout with the sketch and be featured on the Scrapbook Circle blog in a couple of weeks. Details are here. 

Hope you have a great weekend! We have the school fundraiser carnival and will hopefully be spending some time at the lake too.

Layout supplies /// Happy Place Kit /// Good TImes Add-on


  1. This is gorgeous!! LOVING that yellow wood grain and the layers!!!! And South Mountain is quite a ways from you... even for us it is! LOL! :)

  2. BEAUTIFUL job and that IS an interesting spot for a party!
