
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Project Life: April 7

Yes, I'm still plugging away on my Project Life album. It continues to be equally as enjoyable and creating layouts. I just love having a place to collect bit of our family life.

We had a bunch of photos from the lake and I had combined a bunch of them for an Instagram photo. So I just printed out the Insta photo and had a photo collage ready for this spread.

Day at the Lake /// Lake Pass /// Sunday Dinner & Aunt Carla's Birthday /// Tucson Choir Tour

Our Street /// School Spring Fling /// Night in Vegas /// New Order Concert

We have been really enjoying our Saturday so far. Ward and I were up early and ran a bunch of errands. We then came home and spent a couple hours cleaning the house and getting things organized. We then did some damage at Target with a bunch of things we have been needing and now we are babysitting our one year old niece for the evening. Good times. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend so far! And loving your PL pages!! LOVING the photos!!

  2. Always love your PL pages. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. this is WONDERFUL Lisa! Sounds like our Saturday--got A LOT done and ended it quietly! ;0)
