
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Before & After

There is just something I love about taking before and after pictures. Seeing a transformation is always so fun and interesting. Here I snapped a couple of photos right before and after a new haircut for Hannah. I'm pretty sure my favorite thing about both photos is her awesome smile.

When I started this page, I was not liking it at all. So I pulled everything off the page and started rearranging things. Sometimes that is the best strategy when I'm not feeling like a page is coming together.  I'm happy with how it turned out.

I really loved the black and white striped background, but it was a little too overpowering for the page. So I trimmed it down and added a frame plus added some strips of paper to cover the white strips just for fun.

This page is bold and full of personality - just like Hannah!

Layout Supplies /// Let's Chat Kit /// July Embellishment Add-on


  1. I loveeeeeeeeeeee this! LOVING those before/after photos and loving the colors and how you framed them!! Bummer about LV ... I will miss seeing you!! :)

  2. I LOVE her face--she does light up a room with that pretty smile! And I love what you did with the background--BEAUTIFUL job!
