
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Orlando and a Wedding

Hello!  Hope your week is off to a great start. We returned from a few days in Orlando on Sunday and have now enjoyed a couple of quiet days at home. We went to Orlando so we could visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando. That place did not disappoint!  Seriously so well done. I may have taken just a few pictures.

If you ever have a chance to go, I highly recommend it. We visited Zonkos, Honeydukes, Hogsmeade and Hogwartz. We may have consumed way too much butterbeer while we were there. Oh well, that's what vacations are for, right?

I do have a layout to share today! It seems like it's been a while since I've created a page, so it felt good to have some time to create today.

I put this page together about the day we spent at my cousin's wedding. It may seem a little funny that I didn't include a picture of the bride and groom on a page about their wedding, but I just loved this photo of my kids, sister and brother that I took at the reception and wanted to use it.

Got to go. It's Taco Tuesday here at our house and it's time to make the guacamole.

Layout Supplies /// Let's Chat /// July Embellishment Add-on


  1. I hope to visit there someday!!! I love love love your photos and your lo! GORGEOUS colors and loving how you did the title!! Soooooooo I am gonna see you and the gang in LV in a couple of weeks?? I never seem to see you in!! So I figure CA and LV are the next best thing! LOL! :)

  2. I LOVE the page--I think it's AWESOME that you scrapped this picture of something that happened at the wedding too! And yes, one day I MUST go to Harry Potter land--I would DEFINITELY go wild! ;)
