
Monday, July 15, 2013

Project Life: Week of April 28 & May 12

Summer is flying by around here. We have loved having friends over, our kids going to friends houses, going to a yoyo class at the library, doing morning chore lists, catching up on Weblos scout stuff, baking cookies, watching movies and yes, I do try and get some work done somewhere in the middle of this. I love summer!

There has not been a lot of scrapbook/creative time so far this summer, but I'm okay with that. I just grateful that I'm able to be home with my kids and enjoy time with them and help to keep them busy with good stuff. They'll be heading back to school in just 3.5 weeks, so our more relaxed time together is quickly running out.

I do have a couple of Project Life spreads that I put together last month to share with you today. I am still plugging along on this project and squeezing in time on it when I can.

Week of April 28

I tried out one of the 6 X 6 page protectors for this spread. Although I like how it turned out, it seemed to take more time since I had to create four mini layouts rather than just slipping photos into sleeves and adding embellishments. Maybe the time all came out even in the end since it was less pockets.

Badminton in the Backyard /// Choir Concert /// Bosa Donuts /// Ice Cream Sandwich /// Messy Pantry

Costco Cart /// My Cousin's Bridal Shower /// Feature on Ali Edwards' Blog /// At Our Friend's Bat Mitzvah

Week of May 12 - 18

Yes, this page does say that it's the week of May 19th, but after I photographed and edited the photo I realized that I stamped the wrong date. Oops! I have covered up the stamping and fixed the date, but didn't redo the photos. I'm sure you can just picture the correct date here on this spread.

I used the July Let's Chat kit from Scrapbook Circle for this spread. I love all of the stickers, arrows, alphas and tags in this kit!

Mother's Day /// Neighborhood Circus Party

Mother's Day /// On the Boat /// 4th Grade Wax Museum /// 2nd Grade Art Masterpiece /// Photo Booth Fun /// More Circus Party

Now I'm current on sharing all of my completed Project Life pages. Probably won't have much time to work on it for the next week because my sister's family (she had 5 kids!) arrives tomorrow and we are going to be busy playing. Not quite sure what we will do in this heat, but I'm sure we'll find things to keep us busy.