
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Christmas Album Pages

A few years ago I started making the grandparents a scrapbook page of each of our kids for Christmas. So each year, they get to add a new page to their album. It's a fun way to take the growth of the kids. The past year, I totally dropped the ball. Honestly, I just forgot about it.

My mom has nicely asked a few times since Christmas if I would make my kids' pages for her album. A couple of days ago the kids' Christmas pages finally made it to the top of my list and her pages are now complete.

I used photos that I took in November, so that the kids would look how they looked around Christmas time.I never try to coordinate the pages with each other because each of the kids has their own section in the album. It's a fun way to watch the kids grow each year.The pages are really simple and I just kept the focus on the photo.
I added a bit of journaling naming things the kids were interested in around that time.

Now I need to make another couple of sets for my husband's parents. Hopefully it doesn't take me another six months to get them done!


  1. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! What a GREAT IDEA!!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. what a great idea! i actually do something similar but it's an album of everyone-kids, grandkids, great grandkids for my grandmas and parents. My one grandma gets SO excited every year she can't wait until Christmas to open it! :)
