
Monday, May 17, 2010

Fresh Jam

Last month I talked about making strawberry jam. I must say that we have been enjoying the jam this past month. My kids LOVE putting it on pancakes in the morning.

I just printed off a few of our jam making photos for a layout and this is what I came up with. Really loving the Jenni Bowlin banners and now they are in new colors! Cool.It was fun punching and folding bits of paper to make the flower embellishment. I really like how well this paper flows together even though the patterns are quite different.

All of the supplies used on the layout came from the Jenni Bowlin Play Date SC add-on.


  1. I need to dig out my banners and start using them.We love to make jam!

  2. Your jam looks so yummy!! Love the banner!

    xoxo Karen Lee

  3. Super cute! I love that it was a family activity to make the jam. Looks delish!

  4. wow! this came together SO nicely!

  5. Sooooooooooooooooo GORGEOUS Lisa!! I love love love love love love those photos and loving that banner! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. Love this layout! Great colors!!
