
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Dinner Recap

We feel very lucky that we live near a lot of our family and we are able to celebrate most holidays with both my husband's family and my family together.

This year Easter dinner was at our house and I had fun getting things ready. The kids were really helpful getting the table set. We set up at our dining room table and then added a 6" table and a card table so we could fit all 18 people together.

We like to eat on paper plates so that dinner clean up is easy!  You can see close up photos of the centerpieces here and here. It is just used the same centerpieces that I've used in the past.

My girls and I made these macaroon nests with Cadbury eggs. My sister also made her famous carrot cake with delicious, thick cream cheese frosting. The macaroons were inspired by these found through Pinterest. They were perfectly sweet and moist.

A couple of hours before dinner, the girls decided that we should put out name tags at the seats. With the help of my Cameo, we had these cut and glued in about 45 minutes.

One of the best things about having a lot of family over is that everyone makes just one dish and we have a lot of food.

The kids had new Easter clothes to wear to church. I tortured them by taking pictures. Most of our photos turned out something like this:

We also got a couple of more serious shoots:

If you celebrate Easter, I hope you enjoyed the holiday. Although all of the food and decorations are nice, I appreciate a day to reflect on the reason for the holiday which is the resurrection of my Savior. I am very grateful to Him for all that He has done for me.


  1. Paper plates are a great idea and those labels are amazing!

  2. Looks like a BEAUTIFUL Easter celebration, great name plates!

  3. Loveeeeee the photos! Your plates are adorable and loving the place cards!!

  4. Don't show my friends this! They'll see they got the shaft with the fun decor!

  5. Love those cute plates! The nests look delicious and those place cards look amazing! cant believe you guys whipped them up so fast! Happy Easter :)
