
Monday, April 9, 2012

Project Life: March 18 - 24

Another week of Project Life is now complete!

We had a usual full and busy week. The highlight was getting to meet the newest member of our family, Rose. My kids now have another cousin!


Another highlight this week was going with my husband and oldest daughter to the midnight show of the Hunger Games. All three of us had read the book and it was fun to get to be one of the first to see the movie. Since it was spring break for us, we decided that we could all handle staying up late and sleep in a bit the next day.

This week I documented one of our favorite snacks: homemade salsa and chips. You can check out one of our favorite salsa recipes here.

This week also included a trip to the dentist for teeth cleaning, playtime with friends, swimming, a birthday party and a trip to Kokomo (a favorite yogurt place.) I really love documenting all of the little things that make up our daily life. This is the stuff I want to remember. This project helps me focus on and enjoy all of the little details that make our life special.

Thanks for joining me for a look at another week in our life!

Supplies used this week: