
Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy 12th Birthday, Audrey!

It's a beautiful and sunny Friday here. Today we are celebrating my daughter Audrey's 12th birthday. I really can't believe how time flies.

We started off the morning with some homemade berry muffins and a few presents. One of her presents is to go and get a pedicure with me. Pretty much a present for me too!

I thought it would be fun to share a layouts I made for Audrey when she was born and on her first few birthdays. Although my style of scrapbook has changed quite a bit, I still love looking at the photos and reading the journaling. I'm so thankful for scrapbooking!

So thankful for these pages and the memories they bring back. I'm also grateful to be a mom to such an amazing, thoughtful and creative daughter!


  1. Happy Birthday to miss A! Hope you had a fun time celebrating--and I was just talking about how I should share my first layouts and where my style has EVOLVED from! :)

  2. Happy birthday Audrey!!! I loveeeeee looking back at your old pages!! Mine from around that time look pretty much the same way!!! LOL!!!

  3. Wow, it is so cool to see time fly by from baby to 12! Hope she had a wonderful and very happy birthday :)
