
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

31 Things /// Read

This month I've signed up for Ali Edwards' 31 Things class at Big Picture Classes. The focus of this class is writing our stories and I felt that I could use an extra push in documenting more through writing.

I don't plan on sharing all of my writing this month, but thought that I would share one of the topics that I've written about so far. The class challenge us to take one photo to pair with the daily writing assignment.

Topic: READ

ONE /// Reading is something that I’ve always enjoyed. I love being consumed by reading a wonderful fiction book filled with interesting characters and exciting plots.

TWO /// I go in book reading spurts. There are times when I just want to keep reading and other times when I don’t read very much for a month or two.

THREE /// There is a pile of unread books on a bookshelf in my bedroom just waiting for me to read them. I always have a book on my nightstand that I’ve started reading.

FOUR /// I have been in the habit of buying most books I want to read from Amazon, but have now accumulated a little pile and need to stop ordering for now. I should make the library my go to place for books, but for some reason I haven’t gotten into the flow of checking out and then returning books on time.

FIVE /// My favorite book? I don’t know if I could name just one. Some of my favorites are The Book Thief, A Homemade Life, Harry Potter, Unbroken, These is My Words and Pope Joan.

SIX /// I’ve recently read all of the books in the Hunger Games Trilogy and I’ve just started Divergent which Audrey says is her favorite book.

SEVEN /// Sometimes I like having a magazine to read at times when I can’t sit and be uninterrupted. Magazines are perfect while we are sitting out at the pool watching the kids swim. My current magazine subscriptions are Martha Stewart Living, Everyday Food and Whole Living.

EIGHT /// In addition to reading print, I also spend quite a bit of time reading blogs and other online information.  My Google reader is almost always full with a few hundred blog posts to read and I rarely get to all of them.

NINE /// I haven’t yet read a book on an e-reader, but may do it this year. Ward has a digital copy of Steve Job’s biography and that is on my reading list.

TEN ///I recently listened to my first audio book (The House at Riverton) and LOVED it. The only problem was that it was so good that it took over the week I listened to the book. I was always looking for an opportunity to listen to the story. Folding laundry has never been so interesting.

ELEVEN /// I try to read something from the scriptures each day. Somedays I do better than others.

TWELVE /// At night before the kids go to bed, Max and I have been reading the 39 Clues books together. We are currently on book 9 out of 10 of the series.

THIRTEEN /// One of my favorite things about going on vacation is that I usually bring along a new book to read. 

It is a great exercise to sit and write about topics that may not get a lot of attention. Looks like registration is open for 31 Things until tomorrow. I highly recommend this class.


  1. I just read a review on Divergent this morning on a friends blog.. .it sounds really good!!!

  2. this is GREAT Lisa! Hoping I can organize myself so that I can get those pile of books AND read with my kids!

  3. i dont know if I have ever journaled about reading and yet it is very important to me. i love the photo of the stack of books too. perfect for a layout ;)
