
Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's for Dinner?

This week I decided to try making four new recipes for dinner. Since I don't always have time to be creative with paper and scrapbooking, I like to use the kitchen as another creative outlet. We have to eat, so it may as well be interesting.

I like to write out our weekly meals on a chalkboard hanging in our kitchen. It reminds me what I've planned and let's the family know "what's for dinner."

Since I'm always on the lookout for new recipes, I thought I'd share a few with you and hopefully give some new dinner ideas.

/// Monday Night ///

We grilled shrimp using this recipe from Everyday Food Magazine. It wasn't a hit with the kids, but my husband and I enjoyed it.

I also sliced up a couple of red bell peppers and put them on the grill. Once they were softened up a bit, I sprinkled the insides with a bit of feta and let it melt.

We also had couscous and watermelon.

/// Tuesday Night ///

This was a perfect summer pasta meal. Next time I think I'll add a splash of lemon juice.

/// Wednesday Snack ///

I've always wanted to make granola bars, but for some reason it hasn't happened. When I saw this recipe from the Orangette blog, I knew I needed to make them.

These did not disappoint! I am trying to show restrained and not eat the entire pan right now. The dark chocolate really makes these amazing. This is being added to my rotation of recipes.

/// Wednesday Dinner ///

I wasn't sure how well these would be received since there are a few meat loves in the family, but everyone ate these and 4 of us really liked them. Definitely want to make these again. The only alteration to the recipe was that I used Italian bread crumbs instead of plain since that's what we already had in the house.

/// Thursday Night ///

Tonight was are going to try these hand pies. I'm subbing the beef for turkey since that's what we have in our freezer.

It's been fun cooking up some new dished this week!