
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Grandma's Sugar Cookies

Sorry I've been MIA almost all month! Our family got to go on an amazing 8 night Disney Cruise and all of the prep and then time away has taken over February. Now I'm back and trying to recover. Luckily, I created a layout before I went on vacation that I can share with you today! I'm hoping to post vacation pictures tomorrow.

One of our favorite Valentine traditions is having Grandma bake and deliver her amazing sugar cookies to us. The cookies are thick and soft and the cream cheese frosting is perfect!

We may or may not have indulged on cookies for breakfast the next morning.

If you need to make yourself some of these cookies, you can find the recipe here.

Okay, I've got to get back to work. I'm finalizing all of our paperwork for our taxes and getting the Scrapbook Circle kit ready to go live tomorrow. Oh, and just to make this month much crazier, we found a house we totally love (we love our current house too, but we couldn't resist making the change!) and we are closing on it tomorrow. So on top of the usual business, we bought a new home this month. Luckily we aren't moving until May, so I have time to process the change and pack!

Layout Supplies /// Scrapbook Circle Story Time Kit


  1. Love the page! Congrats on the house and the trip! Can't wait to see the reveal tomorrow!

  2. Such a pretty page! Sounds like it was a wonderful trip! And I can't wait to hear where you guys decided to move to!

  3. Wow!!! You have been busy!! A cruise and a new house!! CONGRATS!!!! That is awesome!! I love love love love your lo!!! LOVING the colors and the hearts!!!

  4. GREAT page Lisa!! And woohoo for change!!
