
Friday, May 17, 2013

New Order Concert

Last month (the week before we moved!) Ward and I spent one night in Vegas at a New Order concert.  Seeing this band was on my husband's wish list and he put the trip together and made it happen.

We had a really fun trip. We flew over on a Thursday morning and started the day at the Paris hotel cafe where we ate crepes for breakfast. Not a bad way to start the day! We went to an Andy Warhol exhibit at the Bellagio and then did a tour of Zappos new office space. We spent a little time by the pool before we got ready for the concert.

We were able to get a room at the concert hotel that had a balcony overlooking the pool which was where the concert was taking place. We sold our concert tickets and watched the concert from a lounge chair on our balcony.  Best concert seats ever!

The starting point for this page was this May Scrapbook Circle sketch designed by Diana.

If you want to play along with the sketch and have a chance to win a May Scrapbook Circle Kit or a Lily Bee Destinations Collection Pack, you can go here for all of the details.

Are you ready for the weekend?  We will be celebrating Audrey's 13th birthday this weekend. It seems absolutely impossible that she is turning 13, but it is true. We'll celebrate with some shopping tomorrow morning and then some time at the lake. On Sunday we will have a family dinner party. Fun times!


  1. Sounds like a GREAT trip!! LOVING your lo!! Wonderful photos and loving the colors!!

  2. SO totally fun! GREAT page too!!
