
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Project Life: March 31, 2013

It's been a while since I shared a Project Life spread. Remember a month or more ago when I said I was all caught up and current? Well, I haven't worked on the project since, so now I'm several weeks behind. Oh well! I'm still taking pictures and collecting things, so when the time and mood are right, I'll be ready to go on this again.

I really do love that this project helps me use up a lot of leftover product from my layouts. This week I also worked in paint chips that have the colors we decided to paint some of the rooms in our new house. It's great that I actually have a place to store these little bits of our family story with this album.

Easter Sunday /// Coloring Eggs /// Working at the New House /// Ladies Night with Friends at the Salon We Go To

Piano Recital /// Painting New Rooms

It was a pretty simple week and now it's in the book!


  1. Loveeeeeeeeeee these pages!! Great colors and love love love the paint samples!!

  2. this looks GREAT I agree I'm behind but STILL love the project!
